15. “Teach Your Class Off” – Using YouTube to teach, inspire and become an influencer with Mr. Reynolds

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I will never forget the first day I taught my after-school electronic music class in a south Austin, Texas public school. I attempted to lead 13 fidgety, tired, middle-schoolers into the computer lab without losing any of them, allowing any of them to sustain fatal injuries, and not getting us all lost at the same time (it was my first day.)

Needless to say, the first day was a challenge, but it wasn’t a disaster, because I had watched a couple of episodes on YouTube of “The Real Rap with Reynolds” – soon to be my favorite education/teacher-focused channel.

This was such an inspiring conversation for me because Mr Reynolds has really helped me in my ability to connect and communicate with my students. We discuss a ton of relevant information for influencers, podcasters, authors, online entrepreneurs, and anyone who loves learning.


In his book, Teach Your Class Off, on his YouTube Channel, Real Rap With Reynolds, and on his Podcast, Sunday Night Teacher Talk, Reynolds offers an authentic glimpse into what it looks like to teach high school in the inner city.

Using “Real Rap” to share teaching tips and strategies, Reynolds helps new and veteran teachers alike become the teacher they always dreamed of being.

Tune into the Real Rap with Reynolds
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/realrapwiththereynolds
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/cj-reynolds5
Book: https://www.realrapwithreynolds.com/books/

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[00:55] – Introduction to Real Rap with Reynolds
[02:08] – Who’s Reynolds’ favorite teacher and why?
[07:40] – Why did Reynolds’ start podcasting and vlogging?
[13:48] – How Reynolds’ sees the future of education in the digital age?
[19:32] – How to maintain relationships with students during covid?
[27:37] – Have any of Reynolds’ students tried to create a Youtube channel or a brand?
[30:26] – What’s Reynolds’ workflow for creating an episode?
[32:18] – How did the growth of Reynolds’ channel look like?
[36:43] – The value of genuine connection with an authentic audience.
[40:57] – What to do with all the information and inspiration that we store?
[46:00] – How to make our information more relatable to the people that we are trying to share it with?
[50:23] – What’s Reynolds currently working on?
[53:01] – Two books that Reynolds suggested reading.

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