28. Art is the new renaissance with Sri Kala, Luke Kohen, and Kevin Orosz

Episode 29

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Hosted by
Oliver Marks

This week’s episode of Be On Air amplifies the voices of three genuine and driven men who speak through their heart and embody each of their individual messages so eloquently. The vision each of these guests share for a more beautiful tomorrow will brighten your day and bring peace to your soul. We explore spirituality, king & queen archetypes, the divine masculine & feminine, cryptocurrency, art & NFT’s, the importance of love and so much more.

Luke Kohen is a bard, speaker, heartist, mentor and ecopreneur. Deeply Passionate about bridging the gap between social entrepreneurship & environmental activism, he has been a strategist for forging new models of collaboration and innovation where the meeting of universal spirituality, holistic business, whole systems change and community building all converge. Luke Kohen’s ability as a storyteller is enhanced by his compassionate and positive energy. He has a book called “The Self-Mastery Handbook”, a 9-week coaching course, profound music and lots of world-changing content to explore on his website | https://lukekohen.com/

Kevin Orosz is a High Performance Coach, Workshop & Retreat Facilitator, and Podcast Host. He is also a Performance Philosopher, Folk Psychologist, Spoken Word Poet, Public Speaker, RYT 200 Yoga Teacher, Freestyle MC and Founder & CMO of lifestyle brand Mystic Misfit. A bard and a poet in his own way Kevin speaks his mind with such clarity and profundity. If you are intrigued by the conversation in this episode I think Kevin’s book “Sex, Masculinity, God: The Trialogues” co-authored by Cadell Last and Daniel Dick is noteworthy. Discover more about Kevin’s complete workshops, courses, and the (R)Evolution Podcast on his website and platforms | https://kevinorosz.com/

Sri Kala is a musician of many talents with sounds of hip-hop, reggae, dub, afrobeat, and sacred mantras helping to create his soul-expressive sound. Sri Kala also uses mantra music meditation and sound frequencies to transmit his unique mastery of quantum healing. His specialty is serving spiritual teachers, visionaries and artists who seek transcendental healing and a deeper connection to their creative expression. Sri Kala’s conversational input is real, from a place of love and intellectually stimulating. He is now launching the Unique Masterpiece University and offers a multitude of workshops, meditation & mantra courses and more. Check out his new album Sri Kala and other groundbreaking projects on his website and platforms | https://www.srikala.com/

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0:00:00 – Introduction

0:02:01 – Who are you and what do you do?

0:14:41 – What are your marching orders as love warriors?

0:26:11 – Redefining King Energy & Actualizing your purpose

0:39:32 – Role of Cryptocurrency in living your purpose

0:48:11 – Economics informed by natural law

0:52:40 – Rumi Poem and Interpretations

1:02:27 – Everyone shares their deepest good, true, and beautiful


Sri Kala: [00:00:00] That’s why art is the Renaissance. Cause because truly what we need and, and humanity as people to come into contact with these feelings that, that are so smashed down and hidden and, and, you know, we’re creating all these distractions from these parts of ourselves. And, and art gives us an access point to be able to paint that, that story, to paint that feeling, to sing to call from that place and have that vibration be felt and heard.


K.Lee Marks: [00:01:00] Welcome back to be on air. I’m your host K.Lee Marks. And today I have brought three brothers, three really special brothers that are at different parts of the earth. Right now it’s a miracle that we have gathered here at the same time, different places to bring you conversation about what’s up for each of us, about what we love about what we’re passionate about, about maybe what is upsetting us right now and to what is it?

What is it like to be alive in 2021? It’s April 14th as. As men in society. And I feel like this conversation is something that needs to happen more often, and we’ve been in clubhouse having this. And so I’m really happy to pull this, this little pot of people and share that with you guys. What is up fam, we got Luke, we got Kevin, we got Sri kala guys. I’m so grateful that you could all make some time to, to join me and my audience, my beautiful, lovely audience. We have some amazing listeners out there tuning in.

And, um, yeah, I thought we could start by just round robining robining. Is that a word round? Robining I like that. Yeah, it’s a word now. And maybe Sri Kala maybe you could start us off. Uh, who are you and what are you up to in the world right now?

Sri Kala: [00:02:17] Well, I like the idea of, uh, of, of robining and creating a new language, this, this, the beauty of taking words and reshaping them and bringing new, new, new meanings to things that have been around for some time.

I love the ancient. I love what has, what has come previously a thousand years ago, 5,000 years ago, 500 years ago. I love to understand that I love to live in that I love to, to, to study that. And then I love the future. I love just being, being way into the future, like way, way into the future. Uh, and so that being said, I am someone that, you know, I, I studied the Bhagavad Gita.

I, I, you know, I do my breath work. I do, I do my Tai Chi. I do, uh, I like to know the sciences that can, that can keep my body well, keep my mind focus, keep my heart aligned to, to the truth and also, uh, um, keep my heart open enough to be generous with the world around me. And, uh, That, that is a connection to the ancient and what has always been there.

And then I also like the future. I also love the innovation. I also love, you know, like I had in high school, I was part of a hacking crew. You know, it’s like technology is, is, is everything to me. I love it. I love the ability that we get to pour all of this love. That’s being cultivated and pass down from tradition to tradition, to, from disciple to guru from et cetera, et cetera, passing down all this, love all this vibe and bedding it into the technology and using the technology to just see how far we can, we can love.

And, and, and. That’s why I like being on this, this podcast with you. Cause I know that that’s what you’re about and I know that’s what my brother’s here to my right. And, and, and to, to my, my diagonal this way is about, and I feel like it’s such a blessing to circle up because I can’t do this on my own it’s actually my charts, that it’s not possible for me to do things on my own I actually need the right elements around me to even finish things. And so, you know, that’s a small glimpse of, of me where I could, where I could leave that.

K.Lee Marks: [00:04:48] It’s so good to have you here, Sri Kala.

Sri Kala: [00:04:50] Oh, what a blessing.

K.Lee Marks: [00:04:51] I’ve been in your, I feel like I’ve been in your orbit for, for several years, listening to your music and, um, you know, uh, it’s it’s you have a one song already here, also known as already here now.

And, uh, I felt like that was a really strong invitation into the present and into the bridge between the present and the future. So thank you for being here and we will, we will definitely interweave some music throughout this episode so people can tune in and some different offerings from each of my brothers here.

So, uh, Kevin, would you, would you also share, what are you up to? What is, what is your journey?

Kevin Orosz: [00:05:26] Yeah, aloha family, so good to be here with y’all. So legends, clubhouse to the podcast, you know, building these techno spirit bridges. I love that. Um, yeah. What am I into right now? Well, I mean, Krishna Murti said it best.

You know, 50, 60 years ago, maybe more than that, you know, the crisis is a crisis in consciousness. It’s not a market, not a crisis in markets or military industrial complex, or, you know, this country in that country and ideology, it’s just a crisis in consciousness, the consciousness that’s wielding, God-like technology and weaponry and, um, vast influence over the biosphere.

And each other is still running on paleolithic emotions and limbic hijacking and, and, uh, rivalrous games, ego-based consciousness, which is a deadly cocktail. And those of us that have been, you know, on the mat, in the dojo, in the Ashram doing the shadow work, you know, sitting with plants, we can all feel it.

And even the people who don’t do any of those things can feel it. So that’s what I’m most interested in right now is what are the stories and narratives and linguistic structures that we can enunciate. Articulate and most importantly, embody that we’ll tell a new story about humanity here in 2021 and the 20.

I think the 2020s are a decisive decade. They’re a decisive decade for this century and humanity’s future. And I think that’s pretty evident here in 2021, you know, we’re only two years and not even two years into the decade and it’s, it’s hot, it’s hot, you know, so that’s what I’m most interested in my role in that what I do, you know, I’m a speaker, I’m a storyteller, I’m an author.

A lot of my work has centered around, um, the hero’s journey and the rites of passage for men, archetype of initiation for the masculine, um, how that relates to the feminine and the tantric ways of actually, um, embodying and needing the feminine within as a man. So then you can do it without, with a partner.

Um, also heavily influenced by, you know, the tradition of philosophy. So the good, the true and the beautiful, this is the pythagorean , which is where Plato got trained is the Pythagorean school. These are the major areas in the Western mystery school of where to aim at the good, the true and the beautiful. And so Western society is at kind of the pinnacle right now.

The East is certainly the sleeping dragon of China’s and get in play as well, not sleeping anymore, but the Western tradition, really, to my mind, as a philosopher, as a writer, as a, as a creator, as a poet, as a Bard, you know, we got to bring that back to the forefront. So that’s what I’m here for good to be with you gents.

K.Lee Marks: [00:08:21] Yeah. And, you know, I heard you speaking in clubhouse, Kevin, that I maybe had seen you out there in the interwebs, but I hadn’t ever heard you speak. And you know, one of the things clubhouse does is it gives us this immediate snapshot kind of understanding of someone based on their voice. And, uh, I’ve, I’ve so enjoyed the rooms that you facilitated and the conversations that have been happening.

And, uh, I’ve been in several rooms with all three of you. And that’s why I knew that this needed to happen, that I wanted to bring you on and have a recorded conversation on the air and on this, on this point about the hero’s journey and these archetypes, you know, one, one archetype that comes to mind is of the Knights of the round table and this idea of how important it is as brothers, as men that we gather together and check in about what’s going on in reality in our life and our families and our communities, and, and decide, you know, how to show up in, in more and more, um, Aware conscious and intentional ways I think.

And so, uh, next, you know, you mentioned Bard and the first time I actually heard that word in longtime was in Luke’s bio, I think on Instagram or something, Luke I’ve, I’ve seen you as well throughout the internet, but I’d never gotten a chance to interact in also in clubhouse. So when I really started to hear you speak and share, uh, you know, what you’ve been working on in your life and your heart.

And so I’m really, really excited to, uh, to have your voice here. And so I’d love it. If you’d introduce yourself to the audience and share what you’re up to in the world,

Luke Kohen: [00:09:57] blessings. Thank you, K.Lee, for, uh, catalyzing, this, this beautiful Roundtable as you called it. Love both of these brothers, very dearly from different stages of the journey all converging at this time. So I’m just, uh, yeah. Feeling a lot of gratitude in my heart to be in this council today. Um, yeah, for me, Bard is, uh, is, is the adequate word.

I’ve, I’ve had different stages of the journey where I’ve had to kind of let go of some identifications, you know, how I, how it oriented as me in, in connection with life. Uh, not so much in the internal landscapes, but interfacing with the, with, uh, the world at large and Bard was something that came to me through a friend actually, who I’m living with here.

Just magic introduced me to this word. And just to, just to bring context cause this, so this will tie into what I’m most excited about when I’m up to a Bard in the medieval times was a songwriter verse maker, a storyteller, a poet musician that would sort of bring the good news from kingdom to kingdom.

So if you know the feudal system and how it’s  set up, a lot of people couldn’t leave because they had the protection of that, of that sort of system. They had the huge Gates and, you know, Everything was there. And so they didn’t really travel much. So the bar would bring all this wild, you know, uh, exotic energy from their travels, you know, and th they were a little gangster who, because they were traveling between the kingdoms, you’ve got thieves on the road, you know, all these different things that can mess.

And so just gaining these part of positive stories and bringing the good news from kingdom to  kingdom. Now, as I went deeper into the mythology of the Bard, I found that it was actually alive in the Celtic and druid traditions, which, you know, is something that I’ve been reclaiming in my own lineage, my own Irish ancestry.

And as I reclaimed those ancestral ties, I understood that a Bard in their tradition, awakened soul energy through sound and transmission, and that they would spend 30 years in initiation before they were allowed to start to do that work. And I feel like my life has been a sequence of initiations and to find the claim barred and come out in the world and start to share these stories and start to share these narratives, to offer my music, to offer my poetry again.

Sort of more refined over the years feels really good. It feels really fulfilling and, and I’m not trying to be anything I’m not. I’m just a human being here. I’ve  had some support in my life, I have a deep remembrance of who I’ve been beyond this form, and I’m here to translate. I’m here to translate the invisible stuff that goes on between human beings inside of ourselves, that the world at large and the evolution that we’re undergoing in consciousness as a, as a humanity, I’m really about that unity.

I’m really here to help carry the narratives of where we’re all related, how we’re connected, why we’re connected, the, the beautiful diversity and cultural nuances that can add value to the evolution of consciousness and the healing of the nations. And so, yeah, I’ve been really enjoying clubhouse and building this beautiful relatives around the world.

Uh, all my relations in, in different regions and, you know, environments that I’ve, that I’ve cultivated connections with over the years and, and meeting new allies. And that’s really exciting to me. This is a big context of how I know Sri Kala. Is in the context of community and creating a space for people to gather and heal and activate and get inspired through our music and culture and through sacred traditions as his name, same thing with Kevin and another version.

So, you know, for me, the Bard is just one tip of my sort of structure. The other two pillars would be eco- preneurship, which is entrepreneurship. That’s informed from a value based system of the next seven generations. And then, um, community building just this really like how can we do business relationships, community just better and better and better, more optimized, more, more benevolent.

And so co-founding benevolent culture with Kevin, hopefully Sri and a bunch of others. I want to build with us, uh, on a club house and beyond, and, uh, currently residing on the beautiful Indonesian Island of Bali with a lot of reverence and gratitude that life brought me here.With that i’m in ,

K.Lee Marks: [00:14:03] we get to hear those beautiful birds in the background to, to, to, to share a little bit of that Balinese vibe.

So thank you for that. You know, I’m getting, I’m getting a strong archetypal taro kind of download about a lot of what was just said and the importance of, of storytelling and the importance of embodying these archetypes. And it’s almost like we go out into the world and survey and quest and investigate, and these moments where we get to come together and share, and kind of put our heads together and share notes, this idea of a think tank, this idea of a mastermind.

I really I’m really excited about that round table. So one question that I have for the group is what are the, the marching orders that, that y’all have kind of resonated with right now as, as. Love warriors, I’ll name, us, all love warriors. Cause I feel like, you know, I’ve been in enough rooms with you to feel each of your hearts and Sri i’ve  spent quite a bit more time with you and yeah.

So I consider you all love warriors and heart warriors. So what is the marching orders for, for each of you right now in today’s age? Like what is the primary directive? And obviously that will differ for each of us, but I, I wanted to put that question out,

Luke Kohen: [00:15:22] wondering if we could remix that word. Yeah.

Kevin Orosz: [00:15:25] I like it

Luke Kohen: [00:15:26] Marching orders.

Kevin Orosz: [00:15:26] I love war metaphors as long as  we understand that the war is inside and with ourselves and we’re not fighting any other humans per se. Although we kind of are too, it’s a whole nother rabbit hole. it It’s very clear to me what the marching orders could be for everyone. And this applies to literally everyone, you know, as soon as Corona hit and the world exploded into some chaos.

You know, it’s, it’s time to go. So if you’re waiting to tell that person, you love them. If you’re waiting to share your art music culture, if you’re waiting to start a business, if you’re waiting to take the trip, you know, life is at a point now where to my mind, it’s like, let’s fucking go. So take risks, like reach, reach out.

No like sovereign sovereign focus, your whole reality. Get your money out of banks. Get into blockchain, you know, get, move away from toxic cities and communities, plant a garden, find the others, you know, leave co-dependent toxic relationships and family structures find sovereign inter -unity. So th this is, this is, to me, it means it’s very broad, but it’s very clear in the Clarion call of our time.

Right now it’s, it’s, it’s make moves like it’s time.

Sri Kala: [00:16:48] I hope. Yes. Yes. The marching orders. I feel like, I feel like, uh, well, first off I love that. I love everything that you just brought in and I love that, uh, Luke’s first response was like, I want to redefined the word marching. Where does it almost like speaks to just your, your vibe and your nature of just taking something and wanting to kind of like shape it in a way for, for others to be more relevant, to connect.

And so I’m honoring that and I feel like that’s part of your marching orders as to find the word marching or it’s my rebel, man. Don’t tell me how to March I take no orders  God is my only commander.

K.Lee Marks: [00:17:37] Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s very words are powerful and are there labels and each of us have a different mind movie about what the label means, right.

And so I think remixing redefining, and then this idea of consensus, which is sort of what I was hearing from you, Kevin, is this idea of, uh, of, you know, interdependence and harmony and how do we, how do we decide what society is? And so what I was just hearing from you was decentralize move towards a new model.

Like, no, we can’t really salvage certain aspects of the current model. So move towards these new models, decentralized returned to local community returned to, to that tight-knit community. And I mean, yeah, it’s, it’s pretty crazy what it happened this last year in 2020 with COVID with, you know, I was teaching in the, in public schools while this was happening.

I was teaching in Catholic schools. I was teaching magic. Slight of hand magic is so, so bizarre to be teaching that in a Catholic school teaches magic and they were paying me, but it was called tricks and fun tricks and fun, not magic. You can make money on whatever you want to because it’s beautiful. So, you know, to, to just go from full on society to, to completely shut down, locked down, uh, was, was bizarre.

It was bizarre. That’s the only way I can, I can think of it. And. No food, you know, that was the first thing. When, when stuff started to run out no toilet paper, that was another huge issue. Uh, obviously not for people like the entire country of India knows how to, how to deal with that. Um, but, but, you know, so we, it, it became way more clear the importance of local community, right?

So like we immediately got signed up with a local CSA and started to, to just get vegetables from people in our community. And even that maxed out and they couldn’t, they could only feed so much because the demand was so high. So it became really clear how far away the cities have, have come from any form of sustainable, uh, you know, if of any sort of sustainability.

So, you know, she you’re you’re, you’re in LA right now and it’s yeah, that’s, that’s a huge sprawl. How are you doing over there? What is life like there right now? What is the marching orders as an urban, as an urban King?

Sri Kala: [00:19:56] Well, I, I love cities. And I, I feel like if somebody wants to be in a city and that’s where the divine has guided them to be, I think that that’s a beautiful place for them to, to exist in.

And I, you know, the, the, uh, a beautiful thing that I noticed Kevin did when you asked the marching orders question and he was like, um, and then Luke was like, Oh yeah, how can we redefine that word? And then Kevin was just like, nah, I like that word, you know, best that’s, that’s the vibe. Marching orders. I could, I could dig, I could dig some war right now.

And I feel like that is, um, that’s a, uh, a beauty to his design and, and that really reflects back into what my marching orders right now are, is to be myself completely like, be utterly and deeply myself. Like where I am is, is what’s up, um, really tuning into. To what my, what my gut is saying, what my belly is saying, what my heart is saying.

Like, what’s, what’s really true because there’s so many different stories happening right now. So many, uh, captions and so many stories, and so many angles of news that are coming in and, and conspiracy theories take the vaccine. Don’t take the vaccine. You know, uh, families are at war because half the family is taking the vaccine.

Another part of the family doesn’t want it, like, what are we going to do here? Know? And so what, what feels super real to me is really allowing myself to take the time, to really know where the guidance is and, and, and really working on that. And being real to that, being real to what my art and how love passes through me.

And so my marching orders of, of late has been, uh, not only that, that tuning in tune to the station were infinite creation on earth, to whom we show motherly relation against the machines we raging as we raise the vibration, that was a shout out to, to look there all, all project we had gone. So to being able to tune into the station, and then at the same time, uh, learning from myself, how to be that, that, that easeful King, like right now, I’m running a social media agency.

I’m also, um, We’re we’re, we’re moving forward pretty heavily with a, an artists’ collective, uh, by the name of unique masterpiece, which would you are also w we’re honored to have you, uh, work on the podcast for, for, for this project. And in these, in these like circles, these, these, these bodies of, of, of loving offerings to the world, learning what my job is in that, like, and being true to what my job is, which might not be inside of everything, doing every little part, but kind of just resting back and being confident enough to, to have the vision and then spark a circle that can execute on that vision.

And, and that’s been the most nourishing thing for me right now is to, is to, is to have the ideas, uh, Create some detail around it and then get the circle, get the circle up of, of minds and bodies and heads to trust. Even that they will hold down the parts that they need to hold down. And I can even move out of the circle and say, Hey, you guys, here’s my idea.

Here’s, here’s, here’s where the love is flowing. Take it. I’ll be over here. You know. And then I check in to see how things are going. I think that that’s like a, a really important space for me to be in right now as, as, um, what I want to anchor in. And what I am anchoring in is, is, is bigger than anything that I can do on my own.

And it’s, part of this, this, this King it’s part of this royalty that’s that’s being asked to, to be present to in every moment of the day. And so the marching orders. Is doing the work to stay in tune with, with what is true for me, what is true for the divine guidance that wants to come through me and then how that is executed.

So that thing comes into the world in a powerful way and in an efficient way, in a way where we can really catalyze a lot of, um, evolution for the planet and bring some love to the art right now, art is the Renaissance for me personally, and art is the Renaissance that is coming into the planet. And the ability for us to impress upon, uh, a song or a painting or, or, or movie, uh, our vibration, our energy, and have that go beyond us.

It’s huge for us to make a song, put the vibes in the song and then have the song go off and do its own thing. You know, I think that’s, that’s what I want to support. That’s what unique masterpiece is about. That’s, that’s what that’s, what I’m excited to do is to support artists and support the people that they’re so creative that they don’t even want to think about organization.

They don’t want to think about marketing, you know, they shouldn’t have to. And so, so the, the, um, everything that we’re doing is to create a platform that supports the raw movement of that, that love that genius, that energy into the art, so that we could have that happening on a bigger scale, uh, so that we could, we could eat vegan cheesecakes whenever we want.

K.Lee Marks: [00:25:45] Everybody’s got to eat. We all got to eat.

Sri Kala: [00:25:47] everybody’s got to have a cheesecake on their side, you know?

K.Lee Marks: [00:25:51] Yeah. You got like raw vegan cheesecake too. Is that what?

Kevin Orosz: [00:25:56] No, bro. I love cheesecakes so much. So we’re going to be good friends with keto cheesecake for me now

Luke Kohen: [00:26:03] with regenerative sustainably harvested avocados and cashews that are replenishing for the next seven generations.

K.Lee Marks: [00:26:12] I love that. I love that. I’m really glad that you brought up some of those points. What I was hearing from that was this almost like the delegation that’s required to be a King is enormous.

Sri Kala: [00:26:24] It’s it’s enormous. And it’s like, um, for me, my experience of it, it’s very, uh, it’s, it’s frightening. In a way of giving over your trust and trusting someone with your baby.

You’re like unique masterpiece is something that I’ve cared for for a few years now. And now it’s like, okay here, you know, and it’s not just giving it away when I’m not giving it away, but I’m trusting others, you know, and, and trusting others from an awareness of my own gut. Like, okay, I gotta do my hip circles.

I got to turn on that music and dance and, and connect. So that, when that, when that idea, when that thought, when that person comes up to me, I can feel if it’s a yes or a no, and I can just decide right then and there and just not have all that hesitation in my body. You know? And so like, like Kevin was saying, this is the year where the hesitation goes out.

You know, this is a year where we decide faster and we make things happen faster.

Luke Kohen: [00:27:26] Yes. Of this. There’s some massive codes. So the inspiration around the delegation, Kevin, I’ve been talking about this a lot is calling in like high-level VA right now. And I think about the years that I’ve done way more than I should be doing out of a deep love and devotion, but not my kuleana. So to speak.

I have a video out there talking about this word kuleana. And I thought about that when you were sharing Sri what’s, what’s your, what’s your sacred responsibility. What’s actually yours to do, you know, this is a powerful code for humanity. And I think that this year kind of to tie in both of you guys just share as if I’ll weave it in to the whole team synthesize is yeah, it’s that, it’s that kuleana like this is the time to get with what’s yours.

Really do your purpose, the gifts that actualize your purpose and letting go. What’s not yours to do, you know, with the great I call it the great pause. What happened last year was the great pause. I know a lot of artists, a lot of community builders and people that were touring that had to get still. And then that pattern interruption, they had to get real with some feelings, with some patterns, with some behaviors that were no longer serving for a while, myself included big time.

And so I think if we keep showing up for that which is truly ours to do our purpose and allow them, you know, many of us have the multitude of gifts, knowing that those gifts are expressions to realize that purpose. And so, you know, I think that the gift of these pattern interruptions, the gifts, the silver lining, or the golden threads of this whole pandemic and pandemic is the, the opportunity to, um, really step into your kuleana, that, which is your sacred responsibility and, and, and serve.

And you’re going to see that we’re seeing the by bifurcation of, you know, or are you just getting swept in the, in the, in the collective energy and swirled and move in a very specific direction? Or are you, are you choosing from the gut. Core orientation of your own soul, your own heart, your own, the own wisdom of your body’s intelligence.

Like the deep, innate natural wisdom of just this human body holds when we attune to it when we ground into it. And so I think that there’s a powerful invitation to humanity to recognize what’s at risk and, and also the potential. So the, the, the, that sort of contrast is getting pretty profound. And I say potential, I’m talking about deep alignment with mother earth and how grounded spirituality can inform profound technologies, organic time, uh, the rhythms and cycles that, that, that are life-giving, they’re not extractive and they’re not based in entropy they’re based in life-giving principles.

And the other potential that we can go in into a, into a. Contrived time experience where we’re, we are no longer sovereign beings, but under the, under the rule of an external King, an external queen externalized authority, and that inorganic time is, is, is quite entropic. It is not life-giving, it is, it is parasitic.

And so if we can acknowledge that with love and, and it’s not, it’s not condemning anyone. Everyone has the free will and choice that’s that’s earth’s  school we get to decide, we get to grow and learn. Um, I’m personally inspired about the benevolent potential of a new Renaissance through Art as Sri was calling it, uh, how we get to, how we get to create art and how that informs the world.

The beauty, um, I’ll close by a quote that I often like to share with people to plant the seed of what I’m talking about is that we’re moving from time is money into time is art. That’s a quote   by José Argüelles’ moving from time is money to the time is art. So if we are truly eternal beings, having this experience in these bodies, these souls within this time-space experience, and we’re actually in contact with that quality of our eternity. what do we want?

How do we want to make the best use of our time? And I think the beautiful and the true as Kevin talked about, we’re going to add that we’re going to contribute that that’s ours, that’s ours to do right. So my marching orders is to make a more beautiful world that works for everybody and to invite people in and really help eliminate that contrast right now that like, okay, your, your choices have impact.

You matter what you are choosing to give your energy to your time at 10 energy, your money, your resources matters. And here’s some options that are available to consider with your own free will and sovereignty to, to align with because of may, may feel a lot better. So I’ll keep it at that.

K.Lee Marks: [00:32:19] Possibilities opportunities, more opportunities, more, more room to choose. I really appreciate that. And as you know, just tuning in with the listeners, obviously these gentlemen have a way with words and as podcasters as broadcasters, we rely on the voice. We rely on our words to connect and to spread our message, spread our work, spread, spread, you know, the love. So I’m kinda curious, Kevin, uh, we haven’t heard from you in a second.

I’d be curious if you want to tune in, on this, on this King archetype on, on the hero’s journey that we’re all going through and, and sort of how you are, uh, integrating that.

Kevin Orosz: [00:33:07] Yeah. I mean, King is huge and what sri’s talking to is a big part of king energy, which is all about command. So the King is commanding, right? You think about Arthur, like Arthur still. Was on quests and he was, you know, talking to his Knights, Gawain  Lancelot. No, these were the boys, you know, the other warriors that served him,

Luke Kohen: [00:33:28] um, juice bar.

Kevin Orosz: [00:33:31] Cold pressed juice is being made next to me. Um, but basically, you know, when the King is in power, he’s not, he’s not leaving the throne because he’s needed to hold a sovereign pillar. So there’s a delegation, there’s a command, there’s an outsourcing that happens. And if it’s benevolent, it’s actually lift. It’s empowering because you’re, you’re offering trust and you’re, you’re in command.

It’s not power over. It’s actually, I trust you so much. I love you so much. I need you to do this. We get to do this together. It’s very collaborative. And actually the person that is receiving the commands can receive a lot of medicine and power from that because receiving the blessing of the Kings is extremely important.

And so the King in many cultures, you know, you can look at Mesopotamia or ancient China. Even the Mayan Aztec, like the King, the Pharaoh in Egypt, you know, he’s seen as a representation of the fertility and the generative nature of the kingdom itself. And in many traditions, it’s like, they thought that King was the representation of God, the Gods.

Um, and this is why if the King gets fucked up, well, I mean, look around in America, look around in Europe, Canada, Australia, a lot of these guys are tyrants, which is the shadow polarity of the King, which reflects on the whole kingdom, right in Queens. There’s a similar and mirrored archetypes for Queens, right?

Some cultures were matriarch linear. And so they had, female Queens or empresses , but that energy, the sovereign energy. Is a really important thing that comes online in a lifetime. It doesn’t happen in thirties, probably didn’t even happen in your forties. Um, Robert Moore, the preeminent scholar of a lot of this stuff, you really believe in 60 years or 40 years psychotherapy practice, you know, most, most men won’t manifest the King until their fifties.

And it’s cool. Like we call ourselves King in the conscious community, but this is like an integrated, mature, masculine personality structure that can actually hold high level energy at the level of business, family, feminine relations, the earth and his own body. Right. And I think, I think he was right.

You know, it’s, it’s cool that I can call you a King and you can call me a King. And you know, but actually the, before we get to King, there’s the early middle and late Prince archetypes, which Prince gets a bad rap maybe because of our Disney programming, but the prince is a beautiful energy of, conquering and then seeking and questing and then building.

And diplomacy, the Prince is just the King to be, so this is a really important archetype for humanity right now. Um, and again, the word princess has a connotation around Disney’s for a lot of us, but it’s the same thing with the queen and all the, on the feminine out there as feminine beings, they’re their maturity into that sovereignty is going to be a definitive factor in this generation for the elders that will steward the next generation.

So when you talk about seven generations, like let’s just face it in the West. We don’t have a strong elder culture. We have an older culture, we drug them up, we put them in homes to die. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no pretty way to say it. Okay. And this is pretty much, well, it’s not the case everywhere in indonesia .

Um, elders were honored they still participate in ceremonies, even at like age 80 90, um, in, in China and in the, in the, in the East, it’s a little different, very strong familial piety from that confucian medicine, we need to create an elder culture. The King and queen archetype are, are a very important part of elder culture because that sovereign work, the initiation that some being has to go through and to be fair and not everyone’s called this is not for everybody.

Not everyone is going to manifest that archetype. And that’s okay. As Sri said, like, you go to the circle, you go to that round table. People are playing their roles. It’s just like a well-oiled, you know, sports team, or you don’t have to go back to the military. The military is, and its core essence is to protect and serve.

Um, go back to ancient Greece, not to dominate and conquer, but you know, that well-oiled machine that team synergy. Um, this is how humanity naturally is encoded to operate. We all have archetypes to bring to the table. So it’s very important to understand that for this aquarium Renaissance we’re entering ,

Luke Kohen: [00:37:46] I think it’s, I think it’s also important just to, just to tag off that for a moment.

Is that is the shadow associations that happens with those words because of the past feudal systems and all the hierarchal distortion of like, like, let’s be really clear that we’re, we’re actually redefining what these terms mean from a benevolent culture standpoint. So I’ll just speak for myself when I use the word King or choose to use the word King.

It’s the inherent claiming of your divinity. It’s it’s, it’s, it’s the rulership over the kingdom within that then creates the echo into the external that creates the echo into the world. And I think that’s a really important distinction and I know Sri  has codes for this and is living that and Kevin and everyone here, and as, as Kings and training or Kings already, like I appreciate the, the, the natural life cycle.

And I think there is a, there’s a quality of kingship that’s emerging in the culture because we have not claimed it. A lot of beautiful people out there don’t know their ancestry or don’t know their regality or their royalty. Right because we’re in a, a slave based system of monetary prison culture for school, public school, like all of that is, is in the feudal codex.

And so for people to pop out of that and claim their own King is actually a necessary stage for the collective to go through of where the divinity is now and where the King ship queenship is now as an internal experience, breaking free from a debt-based system, so to speak. So I can go in on this for awhile, but I want to, I want to give Sri some love to, to, to, to add his flavor of what his understanding of King is, so that we can sense make this word, because I think between the three of us, we’re going to really land with the new archetypal energy that King is in these times.

Sri Kala: [00:39:33] Well, I really love what you said. I think that that, that brings it home really nicely. Just this, the vibe of the King being a vibration that you learn, you go through your, your prince . And you, and you master the art of, of what it means to stay in your center and, and emanate out. I think, uh, one of the things that this makes me think of is, is cryptocurrency.

I know we’re all, we’re all in the cryptocurrency world. And it’s like, um, you know, there’s been so much time where I just didn’t participate in cryptocurrency. And the reason was, and the reason still that I still have this vibe, even though I am I own some coin now, but the reason is because I come from a lineage and an understanding that you make as much money as you want, when it, whenever you need it, it’s a science, you learn it.

You, you, you tune into that, that magnet, that King you emanated out and you have money come to you. You, you, you step into that King in such a way where you can tell someone. Here’s who I am. This is, you know, I make music. I’m also a creative coach. You know, I could take, you know, if you need to, to, to get free from that creative block, if you have an emotion that you haven’t felt yet, I can help you, uh, to feel that and to create art out of that and make a masterpiece from that, to be able to just roll up and share it.

This is who I am. This is what I bring. Who are you? And what do you need help with? And how can we, how can we make that connection? And then here’s how much it costs, you know, put that price on it. I think it’s, it’s a science in itself. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a state of mastery in itself. It’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a science that, that we all kind of some want to learn it.

Some never get a chance to learn it, but ultimately bringing this in because. This is the lineage that I came from. This is the lineage that I hold. And now even still cultivating the understanding of now is that when I need money, I make it. If I want to see that number, go up, I know how to make it go up.

I don’t have to rely on the possibility of it going up or not going up, or sometimes it’s going down and sometimes it going up and be like, well, what’s going on with this? What? This, this, this currency that moves all over the place constantly. You know? And, and so I was always in circles of people talking about this, you know, I went to a couple of meetups where there have been conversations about this, and it was always just like, eh, you know, I could just, I could just make that amount, you know, like why wait a year for it to get to 10,000 for me to make 10,000 when I can just make 10,000 tomorrow, you know?

And, and when I can go to this teacher that can, that can align my internal being in a way where I can create that and activate that I feel I, you know, and I’ll just straight up say it. I feel a lot of times cryptocurrency and even the NFT world, which we can kind of talk about a little later, but even this world can be a way that people think they can ex escape their own internal, uh, mastery.

And like, I could just skip my own internal mastery and do this thing and have it make a lot of money. I don’t have to think about the being that I need to become to hold that, that treasury. Um, but now as a, as it clashes together, it’s like this whole world of. Cryptocurrency and art has really given me a, a, a deep desire of it, you know?

And I think the last conversation that I had was with Luke, I was standing out in my balcony and he was like, bro, it’s time, bro. It’s time for you to get into cryptocurrency, you know? And he was just like, like, like giving me the download, you know, and I’ve heard this download before, but it, but the way he was giving it to me, it was like, it was in a really nice, like perfect kind of timeframe.

And then NFTs, literally came in right after that. And it was just like, okay, cool. Something is going on here. And then seeing the value of how art can have an access back into the world, through non fungible tokens. It really gave me, uh, an access point where I was like, okay, I’m going to, I’m going to buy some coins, you know?

And since, since then, you know, it’s, it’s gone up, you know, my etherium has gone up, Bitcoin’s gone up. It’s like what? Let’s, let’s get it. Right. But I finished, I’ll finish with saying like the combination of the two of those things. It’s like. Yes. Having having the mastery, this is something that I am interested in being able to actualize what I imagine.

Is it true? Yes, it’s true. How do you actually do it? How do you actually live the, the, the secret, you know, there’s the big thing, you know, but, but we’re trying to do it now. What’s happening in crypto when there was the secret. So people are trying to live the secret and like, you know, trying to visualize and nothing’s happening and what do I do?

You know, but there’s an actual out of the trauma. There’s an actual, like, like, like depth that you cleaning that needs to happen in the heart and the, in the mind and the body. And so actually getting to go through that process and then actually walking right to the thing that you want, learning how to do that.

And then stepping into cryptocurrency from that space is really powerful because now it’s like fun to me, you know, watching my wallet go like this is super entertaining. It’s super entertaining. Uh, gas fees. People are like, we got to figure it out the place where there’s less gas fees. I’m like, whatever, just put my freakin’ art up.

You know, I don’t really even care about the gas fees. It’s all fun. It’s all fun to me. There’s not like that big of an up and down push pull reality here.

Kevin Orosz: [00:45:29] But what’s funny the market Sri two is what you’re talking about with like, say like someone didn’t work on their purpose. I mean, he became a crypto millionaire, which a ton of people did by the way people bought Bitcoin as 30 cents.

You know, look at it now all time, high of 64 K today. Um, what’s beautiful about the universal design around money and energy and value and ultimately value. You know, now they have all their needs met to millions and millions and millions. They might buy the Lambo, go through the phase and then guess what’s left down.

And the unfelt feelings and their purpose, their mission, those, those tensions in their life. And I’ve talked to some of these people, not, you know, did it in the stock market, same story, massive, massive money, not from living their purpose, gifting, art, whatever. And then that becomes the imperative. Cause life is there to be like, Hey, all your needs are met.

There’s nothing that can stop you from feeling this now. So it’s time.

K.Lee Marks: [00:46:24] This is, this is very much, it’s like identity, you know, tying this back to the Prince and the King. It’s like, there’s this Rite of passage that happens between the two that, uh, for many youth is severely lacking now. Right? We don’t have as much access to that.

And that shapes, that shapes our identity, that shapes our self-efficacy, that shapes how we show up in the world and what we think were possible. What we think is possible for us and Sri what you were saying. It’s like something, the thing that has to shift is our identity. Like what we believe is possible for ourselves, what we believe is, is true about ourself.

And I mean, that really ties into mental health and it ties into our self-talk and this idea that, you know, abracadabra, it is, it is created as it is spoken and how, you know, or Don Miguel Ruiz, you know, be impeccable with your word and how important it is, how our language affects our own behavior and our own, our own expression out there in the world.

And, you know, if, if a Prince has a whole bunch of money, you know, I think in, in that book, there’s the w the high chair tyrant, right? It’s like the, the it’s, it’s also sort of like a. A dense form of the King, right? Is, an immature leader, immature person with lots of power and lots of energy. And you know, that can cause a lot of damage really quickly is, is a lot of money in the wrong hands too.

Just like electricity.

Sri Kala: [00:47:53] Yeah. It’s like electricity. It’s, it’s, it’s fun because it’s, it’s a game. Anything with all these numbers, it’s it’s we get the opportunity to play

like Mario kart., frequency. Say that again,

Luke Kohen: [00:48:12] that’s a new Renaissance frequency is, is, you know, my understanding of prosperity and how, how I work with that energy in my life is, understanding that money is neutral in essence, and that we, we shape we shape it. We give it the meaning based on our conditioning or our orientation.

And so this idea that it can be fun is a beautiful, like that has a Renaissance energy to it. It’s a different perspective for money that allow it to be a tool to add value. Yeah. And to again, creating more beauty in the world, right. Not just survive or not just, you know, accumulate, but to contribute.

And so I think what’s really cool about these, this, um, transition we’re in like having crypto and these things become more popularized and more and more adoption, and yes, you have the old money culture inside of it. People just want to make money and come in. And as we named, you know, people were still going to have themselves at the end of the day.

But the, cool thing about this right now is the shifting of a new system of peer-to-peer currency. And that we’re, we’re in this early adoption stage. Like if you’re getting into crypto now you’re still yeah. An early adopter in comparison to the rest of humanity. So there’s still an opportunity to shape culture around, around what we define as money.

Like what are the value systems that we’re imbuing in these new systems? Because it’s still, it’s still being defined right now. It’s still, it’s still forming. It’s still formulating. It’s still emerging. And there’s so many means and themes and ideas and archetypes just in the crypto space alone and how, and NFT’s  brings the art space into it and all these sectors that would never relate, you got like tech bros and investors and artists in the same space for the first time.

They’re like trying to figure out the culture that’s actually happening right now. And it’s, it’s great. I love it. I love this element of how new currency and the, this portal of prosperity. That’s opening as an opportunity for humanity to transition out of the debt-based, um, war prison. You know, you know, I don’t need to give it all the bad names.

You already know how it functions. If you don’t, you know, Kevin can send you some links, but, um, the, the opportunity to, to, to play. Play with the energy and have fun is the very frequency and vibration that we actually need to be in to steward wealth at the level. That’s going to add value to humanity, you know, in a positive way, you know, not, not in play games in the, uh, in the billionaire unconscious, you know, who cares way I’m talking about, like, this is fun.

Let’s engage with life. This is life force energy that I get to move with my attention and awareness and focus, and then choose how I’m adding value. And what is the ripple? How am I voting with my time, energy attention? How am I voting with my dollar? What do I want to give my energy to? And because we, because of the cog of culture previously, it’s just like mindless spending, filling the holes, whatever, not is

Kevin Orosz: [00:51:12] economics informed by natural law.

Luke Kohen: [00:51:16] Tell us about that

Kevin Orosz: [00:51:16] when you, when you, when you go into natural law, this is like the good, the true and the beautiful, or just the English word signal symbol for this. I look at the Lotus. Look at the blue morpho, look at the Jaguar, the dolphin like nature, prioritizes the good, the true, and the beautiful, the evolutionary engine of God’s mind, whatever this thing is, right.

Even if it’s a simulation, it’s a divine simulation. I don’t pretend to know what the all is, but it’s generating beauty. It’s generating art. It’s generating goodness, and it’s not good versus evil. I define goodness as that benevolence. So it’s generative, it’s productive so that the Apple tree makes more apples than it could ever need to plant Apple trees.

So everybody wins. It’s positive sum. That’s part of the positive sum game. Yeah. If some game means that everybody can win zero sum game, which is how the current economic system. So

Luke Kohen: [00:52:16] Rivalry, competition, exploitation

Kevin Orosz: [00:52:16] is winner take all when I win you have to lose by definition. That’s where debt and slavery come in and

Sri Kala: [00:52:24] music industry is like that. There’s so many things

Kevin Orosz: [00:52:27] going on, the music industry is brutal, what they do to artists.

Luke Kohen: [00:52:29] One of the biggest examples of that that exists in culture. It really embodies that. And there’s a bunch of other industries. that we could, we could shame.

K.Lee Marks: [00:52:41] I mean, it it’s, it reminds me of this Rumi poem actually. Uh, and, and this idea that it’s actually play is intelligence.

Play is the neuron exploration. The culture is spreading out and that creativity comes because we’re playing in his suit. And what happens when we get rid of play, we get adults, but not the not, you know, we get the dense dealt adults. We don’t get the King. We get, we get the tyrants. We get the, you know, there’s no, um,

Luke Kohen: [00:53:16] we got the ones with the stick up there arse

K.Lee Marks: [00:53:20] for real. I mean, it’s so the, the play piece game theory, the fact that life is a game. The fact that we are constantly interacting with each other is, is why I believe like going back to marching orders for me. It’s relationship it’s self and other it’s, it is we have to deal with like the very first war. Okay. The very first war is myself and I, second war is myself and my lover.

If we’re being real, like that’s, that’s actually the, the next place where I need to then, and then that can become safe and a, uh, home base. And then out from there, it’s okay. Family, community, brothers, friends, tribe, community, so on and so forth. And it becomes just ever increasing concentric circles of boundary boundaries happening, you know, and that negotiation of, okay, how do we deal with this now?

You know, what, what, when is, when is my boundary being crossed? When is your boundary being crossed? How do we negotiate this? And this is what causes war, but it also causes love and community. And I think that’s, you know, this idea of Renaissance is really beautiful and. Like, that’s what I, that’s the world I choose to live in.

Yes. There’s horrible darkness everywhere. And the universe is benevolent. The universe is looking out for all things. And, um, and actually, if I can, I would love to read this Rumi poem because it connects to this. And the curious on your thoughts so, “the grapes of my body can only become wine. After the winemaker tramples me, I surrender my spirit like grapes to his trampling .

So my inmost heart can blaze and dance with joy. Although the grapes go on weeping, blood and sobbing, I cannot bear any more anguish, any more cruelty. The trampler stuffs cotton in his ears. I am not working in ignorance. You can deny me if you want. You have every excuse, but it is I who am the master of this work.

And when through my passion, you reach perfection. You will never be done. Praising my name. Whew bars. Oh, bless you. Rumi..Bless you., bless you.

Kevin Orosz: [00:55:37] The Sufi tradition, you know, the Saatchi who is the wine poorer at the sacred cafe bar pub, you know, lusciously sipping hookah and wine. It’s the intoxication of joy and love that like that. You know, that’s the tradition in which Rumi is writing. So it’s interesting to know that intoxication is actually a spiritual path.

Luke Kohen: [00:56:04] I know, I know she could talk into the intoxication from the bhakti tradition. What was coming to me was the grapes of the personality. And when we go through the, the annihilation that initiation is bringing some times and literally having your world destroyed things you were attached to ripped from you.

The soul comes online more and more and more, which is the alchemy of becoming wine. And so, although the personality might get pulled through the mud and have this anguish of endless tears and the things we talk about, eventually you realize it was all for you. It wasn’t happening to you. It was happening for you.

And the soul can live in the reverence of those experiences, even if the personality was, you know, and I was just like, literally thinking about something today that I like resolved in my being around something that was such a huge pain point in my life. And I’ve been like grieving gradually over like six years and just this crystallization of deep reverence for this other person’s soul.

And that there’s nothing they can do to harm me ever, ever get anything they could say or try to do, because that, that was one of the initiations in the purification allowed me to, to, to become me. And so how could I ever hold, hold charge towards this other being who is a divine messenger of God playing their perfect role and sacred contract for my soul to evolve.

It was for me. Well, so that’s what that poem was really touching on for me is that God stomping on your PR, you know, I am the grape and the wine, I’m all of it. And there’s no escape and it will only lead you to reverence. If you actually surrender

Sri Kala: [00:57:45] magnificent a bird, that bird is clapping snaps. All right. All right. This, this, um, you know, you brought up Bhakti and, uh, and I’m also very interested in K.Lee’s  perspective because he’s, he’s a master of the Eastern traditions. Also, it brings in some of that wisdom, there’s the beauty of art and how it collides together with these tears that Rumi spoke about this intoxication.

It’s like a. Uh, it’s, it’s a, it’s a reverence for tears. It’s a reverence for, um, wailing. It’s a reverence for a yearning, you know, especially in the Bhakti tradition, uh, the, this tradition of devotion, it’s they say it’s, it’s, you know, the separation from God is more attractive. The separation from all that is the separation from the divine is more desired than actually being there.

Because when you’re in that separation, you cry out so much more, you know, you’ve called out so much more. And that calling out just, just causes a, uh, almost like a tear through the veil and allows you to connect. So the source of all things and what brings you there, you know, that discomfort, you know, that, that, that 2020 frightened, whereas like, Oh, suddenly, you know, there’s this thing that’s causing so much apparent death and worry and concern.

Uh, these, these moments of contrasts always come with with these major releases. This is not just something that’s spiritual bypassing. We’re not making this up. It is not us just trying to make something bad, sound good. It is in nature. You know, uh, a, uh, a Caterpillar becomes a butterfly sort of contrast, you know, like there’s so many stories of shedding of skin and just natural life.

And it is so important for us to cry. And it’s so important for us to feel that that deep grief, you know, Martin prechtel, uh he’s I love Martin prechtel, his books and how he speaks. He talks about grief and praise. No, he’s, uh, he’s, uh, a Mayan elder, someone that brings forth that mind wisdom, and he has this book on grief and praise in it any, and he brings that science in that, that grief and praise is, uh, two sides of the coin of love.

Like love is always present, always around us. God is love, but on both sides of that is, is not just spirituality is not just being blissful and joyful all the time. Be like, yay. Uh, there’s also, there’s that. And then there’s also the, the grief, the sadness, the saying goodbye, the, the loss, and being able to express that and and to call out from that, you know, and that’s art.

That’s why art is the Renaissance. Cause because truly what we need and, and humanity as people to come into contact with these feelings that, that are so smashed down and hidden and, and, you know, we’re creating all these distractions from these parts of ourselves. And, and art gives us an access point to be able to paint that, that story, to paint that feeling, to sing

to call from that place and have that vibration be felt and heard. And it’s, it’s so important. And that’s, that’s a, that’s a glimpse as to why art is the next Renaissance. Cause it’s the place where these, these calcified, you know, hidden, stuffed into the subconscious feelings can have a way back out and we can access those parts of ourselves again.

And so that’s, that’s intoxication, you know, that’s the intoxication, that’s the, that’s the anchoring of that. Oh, those, those, those tears. And lastly, I’ll say that I love the fact that he was just like english. Ain’t ain’t going to do the job here. You know, like English, you know, I’ve let go of English to express it.

That’s what I’m trying to express to you right now. And I think that that’s so powerful because that’s what I’m going through right now is just being like, letting go of what comes out of my mouth, because that gives, that makes me hesitate so often because I’m trying to think if my English is well enough to be understood or not, but fuck that just love feel and, and, and share and see how that art comes out.

And so I really appreciating that poem. Thank you, K.Lee.

K.Lee Marks: [01:02:27] Really appreciating everything you’re you’re sharing right now. And I’m just really getting the, uh, we are the, we are the flute that the Christ breaths, you know, moves through that idea and this idea of, uh, becoming hollow. So that, that sound is beautiful.

And, and so this idea of beauty, Kevin, you earlier, you mentioned, I think you said the good, the bad and the true is that right?

Sri Kala: [01:03:00] I see what you tried to do there and slip that true in there,

K.Lee Marks: [01:03:06] but, but the, the idea of beauty, the beautiful, the good, the true, and the beautiful. Thank you. So the good, the true and the beautiful, it almost makes me think of satya ananda Sri. A little bit so good would be ananda.

Kevin Orosz: [01:03:22] It’s basically the Greek version of that. Like the Pythagoreans were basically enlightened yogis. They’re very similar.

K.Lee Marks: [01:03:28] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. For sure. I hear you. Yeah. And the idea of beauty as being superior to almost anything else as like a value, um, beauty.

Kevin Orosz: [01:03:41] Well, this is important to understand because the good, what is it? Even the four of us, we share so many values.

We probably couldn’t arrive at a consensus around the good, the true. What is it? We definitely, I mean, I’m just willing to bet. Probably not going to come to a consensus here about the true, true, right. A capital T it’s like the beautiful, I guarantee you, we all can appreciate a beauty and agree on it. So the beauty is actually a key for humanity to open the Gates.

And you nailed it Sri.  Art can do the job art’s, the man for the job, the woman for the job.

Sri Kala: [01:04:23] Yeah. I love that. I almost don’t want to be good anymore kind of over it

because good is just so natural now. It’s like, we’ve studied it. We’ve read about it in books. And like, it’s just like now I’m at the point where I’m just trying to be good so much that I’m, that I’m like, I’m like not being myself. So, so the opportunity to, to be a rebel, to not be nice all the time. And I’m kind of conflating a little bit, cause I know what you mean by good.

Luke Kohen: [01:04:53] So yeah, there’s a difference between the more the morality and the behavioral conditional, you know, socially excepted meaning for these things. You know, I think, I think for me the way that I would, if we want to synthesize and start to wind the conversation down, or I don’t know where we’re at, um, Like, maybe we go into that.

Maybe we like share what’s what’s our deepest true, true, or deepest, deepest good. Or the deep, like most beautiful to each of us. I think that could be a really cool way to, to like start to, you know, distill into our yeah.

K.Lee Marks: [01:05:30] Yeah. Let’s do it.

Luke Kohen: [01:05:31] I would vote that. We just, we go around and do good when you go around your true, when we go out of your beautiful.

Yeah. And so, yeah, for me, for me, goodness, is so deeply woven with the energetic frequency of compassion. So it’s not seeking to necessarily impose itself as a moral, a moral ideology onto the world, but it is the goodness that we emanate in response to the worlds that is good. Like that’s how I feel.

Goodness is it’s it’s the purity of the soul expressing it self. From an informed place of compassion and compassion, being a very essential component of what true power is from the soul frequency, not the dominance version of power that we’ve been conditioned to. So goodness is existing and is exuberating from a frequency of compassion, not swing it over to Kevin.

Kevin Orosz: [01:06:35] I vote, we do all three and in the rotation, they’ll make way more sense.

Luke Kohen: [01:06:39] Sweet. Uh, we’ll go to the true, when I feel into the true, it’s funny. I was talking to him from the other day that I said true, true. Like from, from cloud atlas, I was just like that. True. True. That’s true. True. I feel like one of the most profound metrics for truth.

Is the body like when, when I get chills, I know there’s there’s substance there. I know that there’s truth there. And it’s such a charged word for me in, in the art world today with the information more as, and different spiritual ideologies and different shadow projections and perspectives in relationship of, you know, the smoke and mirrors of what we think we see and how that’s informing our, our lens.

True truth to me is a, is a subjective experience. And there’s like a foundation of, is it supporting goodness? Is it supporting beauty? Is it supporting understanding? And so I guess the metric of truth for me has become the capacity to arise and understanding as we, as we explore the totem pole in the middle of the room and the many angles and facets the truth to allow that truth has many forms and it can be experienced by all and.

The most important thing that we do is learn to claim and live and honor our, our truth, our oceans, and be able to share that because I don’t know that there’s a universal truth other than, you know, said that love is love is all pervading and then beautiful. I don’t know that that means like a full translation or, or unique expression for me.

I like what you said, Kevin, so we’re all gonna come to some kind of agreement. What’s beautiful. So you created this prompt, bro. Like you’re in the bed you made

Well, what’s beauty, the beauty way for me like indigenous peoples, the red road, they talk about the beauty way. Prayer. The technology of prayer to me is, is the most beautiful thing that exists in parallel proximity to the feminine form for me. So beauty is. The divine feminine, in my opinion. And it’s also the divine masculine in reverence to the divine feminine.

That is the most beautiful thing

that means mother earth. That means all her forms, all the beautiful sisters, all the different way that, that divine, feminine energy can manifest manifest itself as form because the divine feminine is formed by masculine being formless. So that interplay in all its expressions, that is very beautiful.

And from my experience like that’s beauty in the, in all the ways that that can be all the forms of reverence, like Rumi said, there’s a, there’s a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth. So I’ll leave it at that swinging over to Kevin.

Kevin Orosz: [01:09:42] beautiful. I’ll keep it super succinct and simple. I think that’ll be the most effective way to English this what’s good. Subtracting an o.. God, what is God, I don’t fucking know, but the good is God, you know, that’s how we call it. The good, good, um, very simple. What is God brief definition. All that is. Okay.

great.. What’s true. What’s truth. Capital T lowercase lowercase T is like, you know, well, this is my truth brother. You know, that’s cool. Subjective truth is fucking awesome. But capital T truth, what is it? Take away everything that you can at the layer of mind, that’s the layer of heart, the layer of spirit what’s left is true.

It’s it’s there. It’s evident. It’s it’s, it’s there there’s a lot on top of it. And these human lives that we used create and, add, you know, try would call illusion, um, beautiful. What’s beauty. It’s the good and the true manifest

Luke Kohen: [01:11:04] Ninja synthesizer

K.Lee Marks: [01:11:10] dang you’re a fast snapper Sri.

Sri Kala: [01:11:13] can you see my finger’s moving.

I like the ease there. I like the ease there. Uh, I feel, um, I’m going to take that route also and say that, uh, good, true. And beauty shows up when I am experiencing love. I know that it’s, it’s, it’s kind of my cheat sheet. I can right now choose the polarity of love. And I have in every moment and opportunity to do that.

And when I do that, I, it almost gives me a, a safe space to know that anything that I do while feeling that emotion is good. It creates a boundary on its own behalf. Uh, and I love that you connected God equal. Good. And we could keep connecting it. God equal love. Yeah.

Same for true. Same for same for beauty. The, the opportunity to be in my own choice of love in any given moment, it doesn’t matter how beautiful something is. If I’m internally. Not tuned in then it’s, then it’s usually ugly.

I’m usually in a dimension of whatever I’m feeling. And so there’s, there’s an opportunity to, to, to share that, that, to do that work, to be the person in tune with love in every moment. And then also at the same time, uh, I love beautiful things. So, so just. Trusting that like, you know, like, yeah, this is fucking beautiful, you know, it was so beautiful that I went and got another one.

I got another one with.

And like, you know, I know what beauty looks like, and just honoring my awareness that I know what beauty looks like and then, and reveling in it. You know, if the food doesn’t look beautiful, being able to say that, you know, and be arrogant about it a little bit for all three of these things.. And just be like

Fuck it. I’m just going to own the fact that I’m going to say that this is good, you know, um, So, yeah, but ultimately that the connection of the, the feeling, the vibration of the signature of love, being able to cultivate what it feels like when it’s happening and what you could do in your life to get a deeper connection to touching it and doing the thing and doing it so much that it happens in the micro milliseconds.

So that’s, that’s my vibe, love loving every moment snaps


K.Lee Marks: [01:14:32] So, okay. I’m going to try and do this succinctly as well because everyone said something it’s, you know, something that was so beautiful. And I want to try and just see if I can spin this in a, in a harmonious way. So the first thing that comes to mind is this quote from Srila Sridhar Maraj. And he’s a teacher in, in our, in our tradition, in our buck yoga tradition.

And he says the, the, like the main duty of the soul, the main, the primary objective of the marching orders of the soul upon being aware and awake is how do I save myself? And then it’s, how do I save others? And then it’s, how do I remove the darkness of ignorance and how do I see the light? And then after that, what remains is, how do I remove suffering and how do I taste nectar?

And so it’s, it’s making me draw this connection of we, goodness. Benevolence is, is love. It is it is that, that, uh, I see myself in you not my stay. I see the divine in you, right? The same divine in me, truth. What is truth, truth? Like Kevin was saying that without which. Is left after everything else that the, it reminds me of the Bhagavad Gita quote, uh,

So that which changes is not eternal. And therefore it’s not true. That, which is eternal is not illusion. That’s not exactly what it says, but that’s, you know? Yeah, yeah. And yeah, that would change is, is, is unchanging. And the seers of the truth have concluded this by studying the nature of both. So truth is that which is eternal and, uh, I’ve agreed.

We’re going to have different names on it. Now, what is beautiful? I believe, I believe that the most beautiful thing is the idea that the heart conception that God is the divine couple and that all of reality in the universe is there playing


Sri Kala: [01:16:45] Woah, that’s epic.

K.Lee Marks: [01:16:48]  And I was hoping, uh, as we wind down, this has been an Epic conversation. You all are Epic. It has been seriously an honor to have you on the platform to share you with my audience. And I would, uh, absolutely love to have deeper conversations with all of you and with each of you. And I was kind of wondering if Sri Kala would be willing to, uh, yeah, like share some amazing flute music, uh, as, uh, as our outro here, if you’d be willing

and real quick, real quick, let’s just go round Robin. Where is the best place to get in touch with you, Luke?

Luke Kohen: [01:17:27] @LukeKohen, L U K E K O H E N. So all my handles across clubhouse, Instagram. Dot com amazing. Brother, L U K E K O H E N.

K.Lee Marks: [01:17:41] I’ll have that in the show notes, Luke, it’s been awesome. Having you encourage everyone to go check him out, follow him, listen to this guy, speak Kevin. Where’s the best place for people to find you?

Kevin Orosz: [01:17:51] Yeah, KevinOrosz.com O R O S z.com and uh, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. It’s all there. And you’ll find me and uh, yeah, come play on clubhouse. Come play on bit cloud. If you’re into that kind of thing. Um, decentralized social media. It’s coming soon. Not here yet. It’s coming.

K.Lee Marks: [01:18:13] Yes. Yes, yes. Please visit brother Kevin, go follow him. Sri Kala, King Kala. Where can people connect with you?

Sri Kala: [01:18:21] That’s R I K a L a Google it. Google Dave, that’s all you need. S R I K L a Google it.

K.Lee Marks: [01:18:36] All right. And Sri Kala going to take us out. Thank you, Luke. Thank you, Kevin. It’s been amazing. And she called it. Take it away.

Thank you Sri

Sri Kala: [01:20:05] thank you.

K.Lee Marks: [01:20:10] All right. Turn the next time, this has been beyond air.

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Episode 29