The mindset behind a successful podcast or business

I’ve been talking to a lot of podcasters who are feeling concerned about missing an episode, recording poor audio quality by accident, or posting an episode a day late. Their numbers are suddenly declining and the panic is setting in, they feel crushed…”What have I done wrong” they ask? Is this episode a dud? Why is no one listening? Do I need to change my direction and adjust my niche?

The fear of losing connection with our audience is intense and makes sense. After all, the podcast is for your audience, so it can seem that their engagement is the most important measurement of success.

That’s just not true.

If you want your podcast, brand, or business to really succeed, then you have to be in this for the long haul.

Let’s zoom out for a second.

Your duty, is to find you, and be you. 100% fully authentically you, and to bring the gifts you’ve been given to the people in this world. Your job is to live into purpose and then to dance the tight-rope dance of staying in alignment with that purpose, getting back into alignment when you find yourself living according to the values and standards of others instead of your true north.

The best way to stay dedicated to your show is for it to align with your values, your dreams, and your motivations and be accepting of yourself along the way.

Ok. Back to the numbers.

According to this article, half of all podcasts have 14 or fewer episodes.

That means that most people don’t make it past episode 20.

How do we keep getting consistent listens and audience growth, while not burning out so we can make it past episode 20…

The key is solution-based thinking and problem solving. There is really no need to waste time stuck in thought loops that are disempowering. Our mindset is everything and the way we think about our challenges set us up to succeed or give up.

The one time you publish an episode isn’t its full life-cycle. People may go back through your content in the future, and find that episode to be their favorite…or maybe it just sits there. The point is – your content can be stretched, and recycled.

Rather than focusing on the problem (low numbers, missed episode, bad audio quality), focus on the solutions (micro-content, visualization, coaching, professional editing etc…)

How can you use a “dud” episode to push your show forward? Can you create micro-content out of it? Can you make a blog post from what was discussed? How can you juice your efforts to push your vision forward and utilize the energy you invested into that episode.

The digital content space is all about the long-game. In a post COVID world, with more people than ever using social media and the digital landscape, the best way to break through the noise is to consistently put out authentic content that brings value to someone else’s life.

Remember. At the end of the day, it’s just an episode, move on, move forward towards your vision. You are here to bring your full self, not get caught up in some number race that we think somehow defines us. The numbers are only one piece of the KPI (Key performance indicators) and the impact your show is having. Your search for your purpose, your authenticity, your joy, and your offering to the world is an equally important indicator of success.

I’m speaking to myself here as well. None of us are immune to seeking external validation, and it takes consistent daily visualizations and affirmations, and practice to stay aligned.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and let me know how you stay motivated when numbers or slow growth get you down.

We’re in this together.

K.Lee Marks


Further reading