Here is the truth about why most podcasts don’t succeed.

Here’s the real truth about why most podcasts don’t get off the ground.

It’s fear.

From my experience and research, the reason most people don’t start the podcast they’ve been dreaming of is because of fear.

Fear of being seen, Fear of starting. Fear of making a mistake. The pressure of getting everything right feels crushing and keeps us from showing up and offering our gifts to the world.

When I was starting my podcast, I hit a huge wall that kept me from launching for months. That wall was imposter syndrome.

Have you ever felt like that? That no matter how much you have achieved in life, no matter how competent you are, there is a voice inside, an inner critic spouting disempowering thoughts that make you doubt if you have what it takes? I got that…big time.

I want to share a couple practical things to do when we feel blocked by fear.

  1. Write down the fear. Name it. Own it. Even just naming uncomfortable feelings shifts us from our animal brain and our fight-flight-freeze response, into our pre-frontal cortex where we have more choices and choices equal freedom and opportunity. Write down a few worst-case scenarios and a plan for responding to these worst-case-scenarios. When fear comes up it may be indicating we haven’t planned enough, if we take some preventative measures and create a strategy for dealing with our fear we contain our fear and become an author of our life.

  2. My secret to success. I got a coach. I brought in my community of friends and family to support during this critical phase of launching a new project and I got support.

We all need help to see our highest selves, and our own light sometimes. Sometimes we need help from another set of eyes to see our blind spots and help us to expand our thinking, to share a clear proven path and to challenge us in our bullshit.

The world needs you. There is no one like you, no one with your story, your set of experiences, and your gifts. There is no mistake you can make except not starting.

If you’re struggling, reach out to someone who you trust and share what you are going through. Be specific and ask them to help you see yourself and your strengths. Ask them to help you with accountability to do the thing you’re trying to do!

If you are interested, book a free strategy session with me to talk about your Podcast. I speak with podcasters about launching and growing their shows and business everyday. I can promise you’ll get some value out of it.

For now, take care.

K.Lee Marks Founder of Podcast Farm

“The future belongs to those with the best story”

Instagram: @thepodcastfarm

Facebook: @thepodcastfarm


Further reading